I workout five days a week, and most days I ride an exercise bike for miles (as well as walk, swim, lift, etc). I'm feeling better and stronger with each passing week, and feeling good about myself because I know how hard I'm working. As I pedal the bike I read a book or magazine to help pass the time. This week I have been reading the church magazine, "The Ensign".
Today I realized a fringe benefit of working out. As I multitask I'm not only strengthening my body, but also my spirit!
Just this week I had read articles that have taught me:
The importance of nourishing my Spirit ~ To seek the Lord and draw near to Him ~ To hold on to the Lord during difficult times ~ That we can overcome trials with the Lord's help ~ That the Lord loves and remembers us always ~ How to become more self-reliant ~ To take time to gaze into the heavens at the stars and planets which are evidence of God's majesty ~ To remember that God created all things and has all the wisdom and power ~ That the Savior's grace is sufficient for all and that He atoned for EVERYONE ~ That we must be spiritually prepared to face the difficulties and challenges in our lives ~ To remember that we DO NOT walk alone through life ~ That like the Wise Man who built his house upon the rock, we too must build our lives on the firm foundation of the Lord ~ That we should try to stay out of debt ~ That we can only be redeemed through the precious blood of Christ ~ That Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will NEVER give up on us ~ That it's very important to discipline with love ~ That we MUST put our family before other worldly endeavors ~ And that God's love for us is infinite and eternal!!!!
Even though my Spirit isn't visible, I want it to be just as strong as my body; I want it to be firm and unshakable during the turbulent days that will inevitably be ahead, and I'm thankful for this chance to be strengthened from the inside out!
Barb that is soooo admirable! You are a strength to others as well, especially me!