Sunday I taught a lesson at church on Moral Discipline. We may have morals, but the discussion was about whether or not we back them up by our actions. Do we have the courage to do what's moral when others aren't or do we give in to the pressure and leave our values behind when others do?
One girl had a funny story to share. It really was innocent enough, but it gave us all something to think about. She's a single divorced mom with a few kids. Her mother had told her about an activity at church for singles 31 and over, and had encouraged her to attend, probably hoping she would meet a great guy. She agreed to go. When she was leaving she told her kids she was going to a 31 and over singles activity. Her son who is seven said, "Mom, how old are you?" She told him she was 29. He said, "Mom, you know what? You lie a lot. You aren't really 31 and you are going anyway, and you also sneak candy into the movie theater even though there's a big sign on the door that says you can't."
It made us all laugh. The people at the activity wouldn't care if she wasn't really 31, they would just be glad she came. And many of us sneak candy into the theater because they don't sell what we want or it costs twice as much as it's worth. That's my justification, which I know isn't right either.
Her story reminded us all that it's a guarantee that our kids are always watching us and learning by our good or bad examples. The boy made a good point that we all need to think about. Do we do what we're supposed to do and set a good example of honesty and integrity for them? I will probably always feel guilty now if I take treats to the movie! Don't you just love how honest kids are? They put us right in our place!!!
Oh that is such a good story! Thank you for sharing. Boy it really makes me take stock of myself. I love kids! We truly have to become as a little child!!!!!!