A friend of mine just posted the following video which I saw years ago. Following her post a few people mocked it and said President Benson didn't speak for God, wasn't a righteous man, used scare tactics to make people believe Communism was a threat to Americans, and that the Law of Consecration was the greatest form of Socialism according to the scriptures and latter-day prophets. These comments made me livid! I generally stay out of people's mindless discussions, but I just couldn't hold back on such an important topic. I love and respect Ezra Taft Benson and knew he had the light of Christ in him. I know what he said about this topic was true, and I couldn't stand by while people said disparaging things about this great man. This was my response to their unenlightened comments:
President Ezra Taft Benson was an amazing man, full of love and very inspired. He spoke the word of God. He toured Europe following WWII as the Secretary of Agriculture in U. S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s cabinet. He witnessed firsthand the ravages of war brought on by the works of evil men like Hitler and Stalin. He saw what happens when Socialism, Communism, and dictatorship reigns. He didn't use scare tactics but quoted proof of what he had seen through his own eyes, and from the accounts of people he had met. He vowed to spend his entire life trying to ensure that his predecessors wouldn’t have to live under any type of Socialism, Communism, or under the reign of any evil leader, because he had seen how they destroy lives and take away individual freedoms. These forms of government are totally opposite of the Law of Consecration. It is lived only by choice and is a plan where all who participate do so willingly, not by force, and offer all they have for the good of everyone. They can choose to participate or not, where as Socialism and Communism offer no choice. And all those who choose to live the Law of Consecration are required to contribute and earn their keep in order to receive, as opposed to Socialism and Communism where the masses are forced to give all they have to the government so others who aren’t willing to do anything for it can receive. The Law of Consecration is a law of equality for the good of everyone, not something forced on them so that only a few choice people can prosper, hold all the power, and dictate how the majority will live!
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