Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Gift of Giving

I read a book review for a book called, "29 Gifts: How a month of giving can change your life".

Here is Amazon's description of the book:

~~~ At age thirty-five, Cami Walker was burdened by a battle with multiple sclerosis, a chronic neurological condition that made it difficult for her to walk, work, or enjoy her life. Seeking a remedy for her depression after being hospitalized, she received an uncommon prescription from an African medicine woman: Give to others for 29 days.

29 Gifts is the insightful story of the author’s life change as she embraces and reflects on the naturally reciprocal process of giving and receiving. Many of Walker’s gifts were simple —a phone call, spare change, a Kleenex. Yet the acts were transformative. By Day 29, not only had Walker’s health and happiness improved, but she had created a worldwide giving movement.

The book also includes personal essays from others whose lives changed for the better by giving, plus pages for the reader to record their own journey. More than a memoir, 29 Gifts offers inspiring lessons on how a simple daily practice of altruism can dramatically alter your outlook on the world. ~~~

I haven't actually read the book, but I decided to take the challenge. It's been a month since I started focusing on doing something nice for someone everyday. Even it's just making a phone call, sending a letter, or giving a compliment when it comes to my mind, I'm trying. It's teaching me to think of someone besides myself. I don't always succeed and often do things without really thinking about them--things that I should be doing anyway--but I'm getting better at it. And I've learned that making a face to face contact if possible makes a big difference to someone who is lonely!

Sometimes we feel like we need to give large amounts of money or time to make a difference. But often it's the SMALL things that make a BIG difference as we reach out to "The One". We all need to start somewhere! It may be letting the elderly gentlemen go before us in the grocery line, letting a car go in front of us in a line of traffic, helping someone open a door, being patient with someones screaming child, or giving a heartfelt compliment when it comes to our minds.

We often don't give ourselves credit for the good things we do. We compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate if we aren't like them. Writing down my actions and plans to serve has helped me realize that I do more good than I thought. My heart has always been in the right place, I just got distracted from what matters the most--people!

I haven't done anything big, but since I have committed to this experiment I feel really good! I've made contact with old friends, spent more time with extended family, and have become more aware of people's needs. I've been writing down my actions and it's amazing to realize that I often go beyond one deed a day without ever planning to.

Recording these things has helped me evaluate my strengths and weaknesses. I realize that I have a lot of improvement to make, but I'm on my way! I'm really comfortable serving in my extended family, but I need to have more courage to branch out to neighbors, ward members, and strangers. There are many people to serve and much good to do in the world!

One magical thing that I have noticed is that now I look forward to random acts of service and find joy in planning and carrying out deeds of kindness. Of course, my good intentions still outweigh my actions, but I'm starting to remember who I used to be and how I used to think! It feels like I have been so preoccupied and busy every minute of my day for so long that I had forgotten how to be spontaneous and thoughtful. I haven't been a horrible person, but I have been too distracted and spent too much time on things that didn't matter. This experiment has been fun and it's jump started my goal of learning to serve again.

And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. ~ Mosiah 2:17

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Freedom of Speech is Paramount to Liberty

“If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”~ George Washington

This nation was founded on Christian principles and is unlike any other in the world. The Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights set us apart from all other nations. The First Amendment to the Bill of Rights states that we will not be prohibited from freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly, and Freedom to Petition.

Likewise, the gospel of Jesus Christ allows us freedom to choose. Yet our freedom of speech is on the chopping block and we regularly see cases in the media where these freedoms seem to be swept under the rug to cater to those who only believe in free speech from their point of view. All across America conservative people are being attacked for their beliefs. Those who speak in contrast to the liberal bias are being persecuted for not following the masses.

My own freedom of speech was recently challenged when I posted an Internet comment that was perceived as being offensive because it was conservative in nature. I found myself in a firestorm and was told to never again post anything that may offend that persons liberal friends’. Nothing has EVER felt so un-American to me in my entire life! I have also had friends reported on social networking sites for posting Christian thoughts.

At times I too don’t agree with someone's opinion on political or social issues, but I respect their God given right to their opinion. If I don’t like what someone is saying or posting I simply don’t read or listen to it. But I would never dare tell them they weren’t entitled to that God given right no matter how much I disagree with their point of view. I believe it’s against God’s law to take away the freedom of others!

Carrie Prejean, Miss California, was in the Miss USA Pageant. During the question and answer session she was asked,
“Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same sex marriage (followed by cheering). Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?” Her answer was, “I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anyone out there.”
She was booed and lost the pageant. She also lost her job because of her answer. She was punished for exercising her God given right to freedom of speech. People have tried to silence, embarrass and humiliate her for her statement. They have publicized her past moral indiscretions and called her a hypocrite. Her opinion on this topic isn’t the point. The point is—someone shouldn’t be punished for sharing their opinion on an issue! In our society it seems that it’s not okay to express your opinion if it’s a conservative one, but it is okay to call conservative people horrible names and persecute them for their opinions.

In an interview on the Today Show she said,
“There is an extreme double standard out there that conservative woman (people) are under attack. ..If Sean Hannity went out there and said some of the things that Keith Olbermann has said about me…if he said things about Sonia Sotomayor or Michelle Obama, he would be off the air. Why is there this double standard?”
It’s so true! People are welcome to mock and persecute some while forbidden to do so to others. There is a lesson to be learned in this though. What history has demonstrated time and again is that those who so eagerly take away the freedoms of their opponents eventually find that they too have lost their freedom as well. The old adage, “What goes around, comes around” is right.

“Without Freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as Wisdom; and no such thing as public Liberty, without Freedom of speech” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Monday, November 9, 2009

Miracles and Blessings

Just in case you’ve ever wondered, miracles do still happen! I have witnessed several things this week that I consider to be a miracle and I thank God for blessing us with miracles in our lives! I know that as we pray in faith our prayers are answered and that the temple prayer rolls are a great resource and blessing to us if we will use them and believe!

First, last week someone I am close to had a really bad infection with serious symptoms. She knew she would have to see a doctor and get on an antibiotic to get better, but having no insurance she requested a Priesthood blessing first. In the blessing she was told that the infection would leave her body quickly. She was ill for several hours and then without any medical care she was healed through the power of the Priesthood. A marvelous power is at our fingertips if we just have faith and call on the elders to bless us. I wonder how many times in my life I have suffered through illness when if I had first asked for a blessing I may have been spared so much suffering. Not that we won’t have to go through illness or take medicine—because it’s often necessary—but I know that God does have the power to heal all that ails us if necessary!

Second, I know a young man who knew he might lose his job. With faith he and his wife fasted, prayed, and attended the temple. His name was placed on the temple prayer roll. In an unlikely turn of events he was blessed with the work of his choice and offered a benefits package. With all those who are losing their jobs right now I know this was a blessing and a miracle for this faithful young couple!

And lastly, this may sound really strange, but last weekend on a little vacation I saw a teenage boy who was horribly disfigured. His head was shaped unlike any I have ever seen. His face was frightening to look at. If a human being could resemble a monster, that is what he looked like. He was with his mother and I could tell that he was very important to her and that she loved him dearly. He seemed gentle and kind in his communication with her. Some might say he was a freak of nature, an accident. But when I looked at him I realized that he was a miracle. I could tell that the very fact that he was a living, breathing soul was a miracle to his family and all who loved him. I knew that God loved him just the way he was!

It is comforting to me to remember that God does love us. He knows what is going on in our lives and what we need, and He can perform miracles to help us in times of need—if we will just see—and believe!