Monday, November 9, 2009

Miracles and Blessings

Just in case you’ve ever wondered, miracles do still happen! I have witnessed several things this week that I consider to be a miracle and I thank God for blessing us with miracles in our lives! I know that as we pray in faith our prayers are answered and that the temple prayer rolls are a great resource and blessing to us if we will use them and believe!

First, last week someone I am close to had a really bad infection with serious symptoms. She knew she would have to see a doctor and get on an antibiotic to get better, but having no insurance she requested a Priesthood blessing first. In the blessing she was told that the infection would leave her body quickly. She was ill for several hours and then without any medical care she was healed through the power of the Priesthood. A marvelous power is at our fingertips if we just have faith and call on the elders to bless us. I wonder how many times in my life I have suffered through illness when if I had first asked for a blessing I may have been spared so much suffering. Not that we won’t have to go through illness or take medicine—because it’s often necessary—but I know that God does have the power to heal all that ails us if necessary!

Second, I know a young man who knew he might lose his job. With faith he and his wife fasted, prayed, and attended the temple. His name was placed on the temple prayer roll. In an unlikely turn of events he was blessed with the work of his choice and offered a benefits package. With all those who are losing their jobs right now I know this was a blessing and a miracle for this faithful young couple!

And lastly, this may sound really strange, but last weekend on a little vacation I saw a teenage boy who was horribly disfigured. His head was shaped unlike any I have ever seen. His face was frightening to look at. If a human being could resemble a monster, that is what he looked like. He was with his mother and I could tell that he was very important to her and that she loved him dearly. He seemed gentle and kind in his communication with her. Some might say he was a freak of nature, an accident. But when I looked at him I realized that he was a miracle. I could tell that the very fact that he was a living, breathing soul was a miracle to his family and all who loved him. I knew that God loved him just the way he was!

It is comforting to me to remember that God does love us. He knows what is going on in our lives and what we need, and He can perform miracles to help us in times of need—if we will just see—and believe!

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