Friday, November 4, 2011


Many people have a sacred place where they go to find peace and receive answers to their problems. A few weeks I found this peace while I was at the temple, the most sacred of places for those who share my beliefs.

For a few months I have been part of a Life Coaching group The last few months while serving in the temple I have been using the principles we have been studying in the coaching sessions. I have been striving to greet all whom I meet with love in my heart, and I have smiled at every person I have come in contact with.

At first some people seemed skeptical and reserved, but It hasn’t taken very long for them to feel how genuine my love for them is. In a very short period of time many of them have told me that my smile was beautiful and made their day. Many have shared their stories and experiences with me and are starting to greet me as they would an old friend. It’s been a very rich and satisfying experience.

I have always felt that love was something we can’t live without, more important that food or shelter is the need for love. This morning I sat alone in the most beautiful of all rooms in the temple looking at a painting of Jesus Christ. He is my ultimate example of one who exemplifies love to all. As I thought of him I felt a greater desire to be like Him, and truly love everyone. Something very powerful happened to me. I instantly felt His love for me. I have felt it before, but this time it was overwhelming.

Many thoughts flooded my mind. I realized that it’s easy for me to love others, but the thing that holds me back the most is my inability to love myself. It’s so easy for me to see the good in others and so hard to see the good in myself. I remember hearing that the qualities we see in others are also in us. As I thought of this I realized that I am surrounded with amazing, gifted, incredible people. These people wouldn’t choose my companionship if I didn’t share some of their good qualities.

I then felt richly blessed by great friends and family. Two distinct conversations I recently had with some of these great people was brought to my memory. I remembered them sharing their feelings about me, and the gifts and qualities I have that they admire. I realized that these amazing people can see who I really am. They see me as my creator does, yet it’s hard for me to see myself the way they do.

At that moment I realized that I am divinely designed with every attribute and quality I need. I have been summing myself up to others who were designed with different qualities and gifts. I realized that my creator loves me just how I am. He made me perfect. I don’t need to try to be someone else. It’s painful trying to be like someone else, and there’s no need to do that when I have everything I need to succeed within myself. I realized that some of the qualities I see in others are also hidden in me. I may have suppressed them, minimized them, or been unwilling to share them with others, but I have all the gifts and talents I need already.

I thought of the new friends that I have made while serving in the temple who have come out of the shadows because of the love I have shown them. They are excited to greet me and they are drawn to me. This has only happened because I chose to show them love. Today I was taught that I now need to extend that same love to myself. If I can start loving myself for who I truly am, divinely designed, I too will come out of the shadows and thrive. I will be able to be a happier and more successful person.

I am so thankful for this gift today. 30 minutes alone in that beautiful and peaceful place opened my heart to the inspiration and love that I needed. What a blessing God's love for each of us truly is!

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